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Mini-Retirements to Accelerate Your Path to FI | Jillian Johnsrud
Episode 451

Posted by Choose FI

Episode Guide

Episode Summary:

Mini retirements offer a unique opportunity to step away from the grind of daily life and focus on what truly matters. Jillian Johnsrud shares her personal journey of how she and her family spent eight months traveling in a camper, teaching her children valuable life lessons while discovering the importance of integrating fun into daily routines. The conversation dives into practical strategies for making mini retirements meaningful, including how to negotiate time off with employers, managing expectations, and creating a supportive community. Jillian emphasizes the significance of intention, encouraging listeners to prioritize the experiences that resonate deeply with their values and avoid deferring these moments to an uncertain future. Listeners will gain insights into structuring their time during these breaks, harnessing the power of season passes for entertainment, and recognizing that life is too short to put off what brings joy and fulfillment.

Episode Timestamps

Embracing Mini Retirements: A Guide to Living Fully Now

Introduction to Mini Retirements

Mini retirements offer a transformative way to enhance life satisfaction while on the journey to financial independence. Rather than waiting for traditional retirement, you can take shorter breaks to enjoy life fully. This guide explores how to incorporate mini retirements into your life, helping you unlock valuable experiences and create memories now.

Understanding Mini Retirements

A mini retirement is defined as taking a break from your 9 to 5 job for a month or longer to focus on personal interests or passions. This concept allows you to step away from work obligations, explore new hobbies, travel, or spend quality time with family. Instead of viewing these breaks as a time lost, see them as opportunities to enrich your life.

The Importance of Intentions

Before planning a mini retirement, set clear intentions. Consider what matters most to you at this time in your life. Is it spending quality moments with family, exploring new hobbies, or addressing personal health? Identifying your priorities will help ensure that you make the most of your time off.

Strategies for Successful Mini Retirements

1. Prioritize Fun

When planning your mini retirement, ensure that fun and enjoyment are at the forefront. Include activities that excite you and your family. For example, create a family mantra for trips that encourages everyone to have fun together. This collective commitment can enhance your overall experience and help manage expectations.

2. Test New Hobbies

Use mini retirements as an opportunity to explore new interests. Whether it’s gardening, painting, or hiking, give yourself permission to try different activities. Remember, it’s perfectly normal to experience a high failure rate as you test these new pursuits. Embrace the process, and recognize that discovering what you love takes time and experimentation.

3. Create a Support System

Embarking on a mini retirement can feel overwhelming, especially if your peers or family members don’t understand your journey. Develop a support network by connecting with like-minded individuals online or in person. Join communities focused on financial independence, travel, or your areas of interest. These supportive networks can provide motivation, encouragement, and shared experiences during your time off.

4. Plan for Active Rest

Active rest involves engaging in restorative activities that rejuvenate you, rather than simply resting in a passive way. Make a list of activities that provide you with energy and joy, such as yoga, walking, or meeting friends for lunch. Commit to completing these activities daily to avoid feeling aimless during your mini retirement; tracking your accomplishments can enhance feelings of productivity.

Navigating Challenges

Despite the benefits, mini retirements come with potential pitfalls. Awareness can help you manage challenges effectively.

1. Overcoming the "Wasted Time" Mentality

Many approaching mini retirements fear that they will waste their time if they're not constantly productive. To combat this mindset, frame your time off as an investment in your personal happiness and well-being. Track your activities that bring you joy and fulfillment, reinforcing positive outcomes.

2. Dealing with Backlogs

Taking time away from work often uncovers underlying issues that may need addressing, such as conflicts at home or personal challenges. Rather than letting these issues overwhelm you, plan how to approach and resolve them during your time off. Setting aside dedicated time for personal reflection and family discussions can facilitate smoother resolutions.

Negotiating Your Mini Retirement

Securing a mini retirement may require creativity and negotiation with your employer. Here are some actionable tips:

1. Prepare Your Case

Before approaching your employer, conduct research related to your value as an employee. Present a plan detailing how a mini retirement will benefit both you and the company—this could include extending your tenure or improving productivity upon your return.

2. Introduce Fairness

When negotiating, highlight the mutual benefits. Emphasize that retaining key employees is often more cost-effective than hiring new staff. Use this perspective to frame the discussion: a temporary absence could be a more straightforward and affordable solution for the business.

3. Be Open to Compromise

While your intention may be to take an extended break, demonstrate flexibility in your negotiation. You might find success in reaching a solution that allows you to work part-time, accept new responsibilities, or take a few hours during the week to keep the connection to your role, while still enjoying your mini retirement goals.

Embracing Seasonal Changes

Understand that life consists of different seasons, each with unique opportunities. Acknowledge that some experiences are fleeting. Taking time now to create cherished memories with family and engaging in fulfilling activities ensures that you won't look back with regret.

Living Fully in Different Seasons

Your mini retirement can look different based on your life stage and personal interests. For example, an early-year road trip with your kids may differ from a luxurious retreat in your retirement years. Map out experiences that suit your current situation, and don’t hesitate to adjust future mini retirements based on what matters most.


Incorporating mini retirements into your life is a powerful way to enhance your journey toward financial independence. By prioritizing enjoyment, testing new hobbies, creating supportive networks, negotiating effectively with employers, and recognizing the importance of seasonal changes, you can live a fulfilling life now, rather than postponing happiness for the future. Start planning your first mini retirement today, and embrace the rich experiences that await you!

In this episode: mini-retirements, building fun into your life, structuring and planning mini-retirements, negotiating, and gaining momentum.

When pursuing your FI goal, it can feel like you are on a set trajectory, and picking up new habits or hobbies can seem overwhelming because you don’t have the time to focus on them. However, you should never feel held back from starting something new! This week we are joined by Jillian Johnsrud to define and discuss the mini-retirement strategy, and how taking a break to recover, relax, and re-strategize can propel you towards your FI goals! Sometimes the thought of taking a break can seem scary, or even the thought of relaxing can be more stressful than it's meant to be. But, taking the time and space away from your usual structure can allow you the space and bandwidth to pursue other avenues that you are passionate about! While the thought of a mini-retirement can leave you feeling unstructured from your usual 9-5, it can usher in more time for hobbies, side hustles, or even new jobs! So, while your journey to FI may be filled with rules and guidelines set in place to help you reach your FI goal, remember that there is no harm in taking an active rest in order to restructure your goals and re-motivate you! 

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Jillian Johnsrud:


  • 0:59 - Introduction
  • 3:34 - Building Fun Into Your Life
  • 12:25 - The Purpose of Mini-Retirements
  • 19:35 - Structuring A Mini Retirement And Avoiding Mistakes
  • 28:25 - Gaining Momentum In A Mini-Retirement
  • 37:17 - Mini-Retirement Negotiation
  • 45:55 - Planning A Mini-Retirement
  • 50:42 - Conclusion

Resources Mentioned In Today’s Episode: